Friday, 25 May 2012

The statistical holy grail of significance (or how I fell in love with stats)

Well it's been a while since I've put up a blog post and this one pertains to events from last month. I'm a terrible blogger. But in an effort to keep my writing flow going, I've chosen to blog rather than sit around staring at a blank screen. This is valuable advice I've gotten from writing productivity books and PhD blogs. Write... Just write something. And I have the Avengers to help me with it (can't credit it though, found randomly...)

Last month I spent time with my Uni's Applied Sciences statistician (who is great). We played around with some of the more obscure types of analyses, things that work with my type of data. My data is difficult, the outcomes are binary and the variables are a bit "vague" being as they represent body regions rather specific parts of the body. So I've been on a journey to multivariate and graphical methods to analyse trauma. And by golly... It worked.

I don't think I've ever been more shocked in my life. Except maybe when said statistician told me he thought I was "clever" and that I now knew what I was doing as I could anticipate his next move. So for someone who has an absolute abhorrence of math and was told she'd never do science (screw you grade 9 teacher and junior college administrators!) I have become enamored with statistics.

Someone needs to investigate my alien abduction.